Tuesday, February 17, 2009


it's been a while since my last post. mostly because of how involved and busy i have been lately. i love it though and it's only gonna get even more busy. i love my life and the things God is putting in my life. i only pray that i don't get too busy for God...this is my biggest prayer lately. to not forget the one that gave me all these opportunities and thank him. im in the process of starting a project so keep me in your prayers.

much love,


Monday, February 9, 2009


last night was halo night. my how i have missed you.

i believe that we are going to get rid of that title and just give it the title of them fellas night, because we don't play halo that much anymore. we now play rock band, halo, ncaa, also we watch tv, hang out, and laugh. the highligh of the night was when tripp, out of nowhere, started rolling on the driveway as we all discovered that he was wearing heelys. a 20 yr old guy wearing rolling shoes is hilarious. we all laughed extremely hard. thank you trippman for the chuckle.

i cant wait to see what next week has in store for us.


Sunday, February 8, 2009


i have created a new blogger so go check it out by clicking on the link/word below


read it, enjoy it, learn from it, love it, hate it


Saturday, February 7, 2009


my mom... is a bitty

haha not really.

seriously she is the number one woman in my life and will always be. she is always there to voice her opinion and give me advice. without her i would have made numerous wrong decisions. she is a woman in a house with three guys. how she does it i do not know. seriously a woman that can watch sportscenter on every tv in the house at the same time is amazing. sometimes she does not get all the credit because of how much me,chase,and my father do together. to me she is just the same if not greater because of how much we joke on her and how she just takes it and laughs. without her none of us would be happy. i love you so much and so blessed to call you mom.
