Wednesday, March 4, 2009


i have not posted anything in a while. life is great. being busy all the time makes me feel like im actually producing and doing something with my life. im really ready to be done with college though. i cannot wait for the day i graduate. why do i feel this way you ask? mostly because of completion, pressure, and making my family proud. laziness kills me sometimes but i am kicking it's butt right now.

i preached last wednesday. go to my other blog to see my thoughts and what i preached on.



Misty said...

I'm glad you are feeling so fulfilled. I am very proud of you. However...I will continue to hound you about finishing college. I love you! Keep up the good work!

Misty said...

I clicked on blog and it took me to your new blow but the last posting was Feb. 09. What am I doing wrong.

A Time in Kay's LIfe said...

Where has the last 20 years gone? You are still supposed to be my little grandson.

I remember the day you were born. You came to my house from the hospital. I gave you your first bath. I gave you bottles, changed your diapers, and rocked you to sleep.

I remember the day your Mom and Dad took you to your house is Gardendale. I thought where are they going with my baby. I cried.

You would use the hearth of my fireplace for a stage. You would use the "nose sucker thing" as a microphone. You would preach and preach and preach. I taught you "Power in the Blood".

At your house or at my house, we would play and play. The only time you and Chase got dirty was at my house. I would take off your shoes and socks. Your Mom would fuss at me for letting you get dirty and stinky.

You have always been a sweet and thoughtful child. I appreciate all the times you have been sweet and thoughtful to me. As your Mother said, "I see Jesus in you".

Love now and forever, Mam.